Friday, December 24, 2010

British Columbia Id Template

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Scholarship For People With Lazy Eyes

Loumyx! News

In the near future, Earth has been destroyed by what survivors call the "project collapse. Some people have managed to save their lives and land on Liff, a planet where a magical nature and wild living with advanced technology. There the land discovered the golems, peaceful iron giants who know the secret of Loumyx, a precious mineral that provides this place clean energy and that only they are able to extract without unleashing the wrath of the spirit that protects these moors resplendent ... The coexistence between humans and robots majestic lasted long in harmony, yet the petty greed of a man will begin the destruction of well-being. Only a small group of brave is determined to fight with all his might to prevent the new world may suffer the same sad fate as the Earth ...

is the text of the summary on the back cover of my first book and I chose the picture you see the top 8, resplendent, pages of sketches (Drawn by the incredible Sapo ) that you find on this edition only. Now that I informed you of this little surprise too, nothing can hold you to buy Loumyx a great idea for a nice Christmas present :-)

... in futuro non troppo lontano one, Terra è stata da quello che distrutta superstiti ricordano come il "progetto collapse. "Some human beings have managed to escape and land on Liff, a magical place where nature and wild living with the most advanced technology. Here the land they found the golem, who know the peaceful giant steel the secret of Loumyx, a mineral that can to provide clean energy to the whole planet and that only they can pull out without triggering the wrath of the spirit that protects these lands pleasant ... The peaceful coexistence between humans and robots impressive lasted long, but now the greed of are few to destroy the happiness of all and only a small group of brave is determined to fight to prevent the new world should meet the same fate Earth ...

This is the text of the back cover of my first book and as an opening for this post I chose one of the 8 wonderful pages of sketches at the bottom of the volume (only in This first edition) by the always masterful Sapo . Now that you know also this bonus, nothing can stop you from buying Loumyx great gift idea for Christmas :-)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Customize Bmx Parts Then Buy

Et vous Voulez acheter de cadeau a Noël en avance ... / And if you want to buy a Christmas gift in advance ...

Vous pouvez acheter

Loumyx ICI avec un grand Escompte / You can buy Loumyx HERE with a considerable discount.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Bottle Of Scotch Clip Art

Loumyx east fate!

Here is a small preview. You can order our album on Fnac and Amazon .
I will give you new info soon ... Stay tuned ;-)

Ecco una piccola
anteprima. Potete ordinare he knew nostro volume Fnac e Amazon .
presto nuove informazioni Vi daro ... Restate connessi ;-)