Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Honeywell Chronotherm 3 -ac


American police used it against the G20 protesters
It's called "LRAD" and emits sounds very sharp and unbearable for the 'The human ear

"sound cannon" against the anti-globalization
Pittsburgh that the screaming crowd disperses

In America has been used in "low speed", but can cause hearing damage

Il "Cannone sonoro" contro i no global A Pittsburgh l'urlo che disperde la folla

A cannon mounted on a sound police van

ROME - It has a name similar to that of a band and is targeted at young audiences. If it were a riddle hard to solve it. "Sonic Cannon" has nothing to do with concerts and entertainment. And young people, instead of attracting them, reject them. This is a "sound cannon" emitting high pitched sounds, a range acoustic amp so annoying to hearing from anyone away near the source. It is the latest idea in terms of American police non-lethal weapons, used to disperse the demonstrators and made his debut at the G20 in Pittsburgh, 24 and 25 September, generating more than a few doubts about its dangers. Developed by

' American Technology Corporation as a tool for crowd control and deterrence of small groups of fighters, the U.S. Army is known as LRAD, an acronym for Long Range Acoustic Device, or long-range acoustic device . More commonly known as the gun sound, or in slang "the scream" ("The Scream"), the device has been used until now mainly in the wars in Iraq and in the regions of Baghdad and Fallujah, as a means of removal of pirate attacks, especially in Somalia, and make known, as many environmental groups, as deterrent to activists who seek to avoid the capture of whales in Japan.

unusual, however the application on crowds of civilian protesters, who had earlier just as the protests in New York during the assembly of the Republicans in 2004 (but this time the guns had not been turned on) and a related controversy purchase by the police in San Diego.

addition to clubs, to tear the plastic bullets and water cannons, the participants in the demonstrations against the Pittsburgh G20 had therefore come to terms with the latest addition to the non-lethal weapons: the sound. At the sight looks like a big satellite dish mounted on the roof of cars the police and his equipment weighs about 20 kilograms. The diameter of the source is over 80 inches and the sound beam emitted can range from 15 to 30 degrees for a sound that has, at its maximum volume, the intensity of sound pressure level of 150 decibels at one meter away. These values \u200b\u200bthat say little to those who do not intend to sound but if you listen help to understand the extent of the damage.

The LRAD device according to experts would be able to damage the human auditory system that, under normal conditions, has a threshold of pain is around 120 decibels. In the models sound more powerful the beam can reach distances of nearly three miles from the source.

A surprise for the many protesters in Pittsburgh who has done much to discuss not only the American media on the actual danger - bringing to mind the controversy never soothed use of Taser guns - but it has generated a long thread Via Facebook, Twitter, but especially YouTube . Here, a few hours from the demonstrations, have in fact multiplied videos posted by the participants. Among the consequences, which, however, the protesters have been meeting since Pittsburgh does not use an average volume of the guns, there is damage to the sound, suffocation, nausea and vomiting. On the site

Twincity Indymedia , including the testimony of various participants in the demonstrations, there is also that of those who have spent a few minutes near the cannon. It is the blogger and activist Brian explains: "People began to scream as much as possible to say that he was canceling the pain, so many of the protesters shouted over the sound of long guns. I used another technique: I placed behind the vehicle, next to the police. Since the sound is directed at the front from there the pain is just unbearable. "



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