Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thomson Remote Control

The director leaves the Paganese, sent by P. Esposito also

After six years the Director Cosimo D'Eboli leave the Paganese , In fact, in the morning today ressagnato his resignation. These are the words of D'Eboli:

" After careful and thoughtful analysis, I decided to resign given the mistakes that I admit to having committed in the preparation of the team and that I was forced to commit given the limited resources messemi available by the company. My biggest regret is not accepting the different offers I received in May and was, for reasons of the heart, in spite of the Pagani budget I had available did not allow me to make the choices they see fit. I leave after six years of suffering and success in which, by sacrificing the affections, I had the honor of leading the Paganese from hell to paradise of the series D C1, not to mention the two salvations obtained. I wish the company every success and the city but at the same time I challenge anyone to repeat what I have done this year. I thank the President, the person will remain exceptional cu always be a relationship of respect and friendship and that, after the many successes together, did not have support it deserved to continue to improve. "

The Paganese Soccer 1926 announced that he had terminated the contract by mutual agreement with the defense Pasquale Esposito. The company Pasquale thanked for their commitment and affection shown, wishing them a future rich in success and professional satisfaction.


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