Friday, February 25, 2011

Blueprints For Hexagon

§Ludere et simpliciter...

([... gone Goggling a glove])

1) Imagine a volume, it is attributable to a material or spatial density , whose complexity is proportional to the choir deliberately intellectual stature of the individual responsible for reading, metaphorically, of the same. What would make, assuming a beam ego syntonic, diving head of absorbing every word and the page circulating surplus sugar for communicating vessels, blood, internessi a selection of children between the natural intelligence designated from the human becoming itself, a mixture of forms and formalities no longer a condition linked to the immanence of surrender in the face of this mutation as defined seasonal-related contingencies, loops, causal-adaptogen is the propensity to issue a posthuman meme, if it is meant with the perspicuous facing conformation to Max More, a design theorist and anti-class-oriented as possible to preserve the individuality of those who Adamic despite legitimate weighing of pros and cons finally disappoints expectations meaning " Mors omnium dolorum exsolutio est" , considered a must be compliant to the egotism of the remaining borrowed "burdens human "to the people, steeped in revisiting the edge of the map of a body structure itself versatile and omnipotent in genesis.
2) Acronyms intuition, introversion, thinking and judging: a non-arbitrary associativity tetralogizzarsi more than perfect as blatant human subtypes ( or functions) which are covered dall'analitica Jungian mode of apperception effect provides not only a systematic record of individuals whose only interest-too indisputable guidance on which an entire leave your life to stir up the constitution modeled on the most beneficial forms than they are with their own beliefs on a "practical" - (ie the most becere implications of daily living, where nothing is imposed, all hushed by the thought-you believe it? - ) do not apply as an assumption later came to concrete the panoramic views of the other large transhumanist, perfectionism post-its time foreseen by the key trials in recombinant genetics and organic tassellame of more or less varied. Echo unheard of, not in the sense of the word denoting the semantic and the modus vivendi spatially panspermia belonging to the category of INTJ, natural leaders of cognitivism and likely independent archetypal genes predicted by Schopenhauer in "The World as truth and representation" incorrigible concretions of hungry workaholics in terms of omniscience, file thinkers and pragmatists made probably once seemingly stolid estirpatisi the epochal ganglia in spite of everything are to be insincere hand, almost pop, from rei deuteragonists at heart sincere outrage against working class of automation (as opposed to a panel of wealthy oligophrenic the top of the common thinking) who, perhaps more late than never , will be deployable.
3) Substitutes stained by the blood alive, or so it seems, are the anti-sanctimony those unnecessary unethical (while forgetting that the tractability of the concept lies also between non- sidereal space of time, calls to arms and still not deciphered in order to decode the nature-morality is for deoxyribonucleic acid failed love in earlier times the current livable-), devoted to conservatism pushed their fractal lustful Gaudium magnum, inexplicable autoreferito application to branches of knowledge, without any practice that is not immediate utopian: we are the disciples (paradoxically) a conception superomista whose original intentions were glazed with fabrications and without merit, creation of self-esteem (which is often sinful on the run, considering the opposition from the mass-media and populism global scale, ergo immutable for some decades before the Singularity and related events which are presumed to effect esplichino slow and pervasive issue), stripping of any criminal elite bioconservatives earlier date, poorly Promethean (to better characterize, speciously fixist) is thus implies an attempt somatotropizzata scale, global vector elimination of cluster counselors filotrasformazionalisti, transhumanist, tecnoumanisti. Of what one can only take place as lowest example of amorality, even elaborately crafted so as to assume the absence of a party game, so to hide what the dividing line between open criticism of resentment and victimization resulting inaction.


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