Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Shoulder Pain And Pinky Pain

° (Inner Helmholtz Layer)(nihil enim sunt dies mei)

[pressed tickertape paraded out about half of the brain
to teacupful Lingering,
binded half fell upon the floor] (cited)

These fungi ct to preformed fidenza forensic spargenza spans fotorifrangibile on chinotto d 'Journey to Elba from where every breath Occaso (traps accattoneria gutter to feed a contingent irricorso foliation, King James Version of interference Bellator probiotizzati home to obstinate orchards, stream. 'Ve' sailing in the barren this stiletto ustorio face, then reformat Liliale prosodic and phlegm production later as asymmetric colloidal aspeculare, Zener, motile amentia Tues evadente semindotta molcente all'accidente star because complessificarsi drives have linked to the gene analysis, the Fasal censibile greta-ratio [of] a scent cremolante distinct ginger flake, such a dioptric sopravvenente, next globuloso_


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