Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Toilet Roll Test Size

"Dream of a Midsummer Night.

My breathing became increasingly labored. It was for fear of waking up! Watch you sleeping . God I would have done for the rest of my life! Draw your profile with the imagination. Follow those perfect lines. Getting lost between them. my dream. smell of your skin in contact with mine. That smell is all yours, and yours alone. This pleasant fragrance that I walked the nostrils and the slave without mercy. I can still hear it! Sometimes as a child leaped in your dream. And my eyes, steady, paid attention to your lips, now opened to leave your warm breath.
I would have died of joy, you know? I laughed and cried, jumped, screamed, howled at the moon.
I've got a bunch of emotions. You have come to his senses my heart sore. You've finally made your own. Now you hold in your hand. Look out! It is fragile. Made of the finest porcelain, including a shot of air could lederlo. A handful may even deform it, break it into pieces. I would return to
last night. Hold you tight, kiss you, touch you. Show you what I feel. Make you aware of what they give me. Watching you sleep again, and another, and again and again and again.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pink Mucus On Day Of Period

SOS: Subject lost.

astonished gaze. Filled with distance. Resonates in the ears only the sound of lost hopes. The nose feels just the smell of another dismal failure. The language sadly tasted the bitter taste of the error. The skin burns due to a new defeat. The footsteps are heavy, endless journeys. And pressed a strong sense of anguish. Press me and rips the breasts. The air is so thin (or seems so), to prevent breathing.
miss you, miss I, lacking oxygen. Words fail. Laconic farewell message to the nasty heart.
Same city. Same sky over our heads. Own the roads ahead. Our roads are intertwined, our lives, no!
strong And the fear is again not to forget, as strong as the fear of being forgotten. Please, somebody save me! We're flesh and feelings.
I'm choking, you let me die like this.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Will Doubling Up On Pill Stop Bleeding

The Unbearable Lightness of Being.

wanted to do something that leaves no chance of return. He wanted to brutally destroy all the past of his last seven years. It was the vertigo. The numbing, overwhelming desire falling. You can also call vertigo the intoxication of weakness. You realize his own weakness and instead of resisting it, you want to abandon it. One of his drunk weakness, we want to be even weaker, you want to fall into the street in front of everyone, we want to be down, even lower.
tried to convince himself that would not have remained in Prague and would no longer made the photographer. Would return in the small town where he had once called the voice of Tomas.
But once in Prague, also had to stay a bit 'to attend to many practical things. He began to postpone the departure. So
spent five days and, Suddenly, the apartment appeared Tomáš. Karenin rushed to lick her face, saving them for a long time the need to say something.
were face to face in the midst of a plain covered with snow and shivered with cold.
Po came as lovers who have never even kissed.
He asked: "Is everything okay?".
"Yes," she said.
"You were at the newspaper?".
"I called."
"So what?".
"No waiting."
She was silent. He could not tell him he was waiting for him.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Quitting Flu Like Symptoms

A man, a person like many others. One who wakes up in the morning, drinking coffee, brushing teeth, greets his wife with a kiss and crosses the threshold of the house to go to work. Does the employee and is diligent, his work plays with precision. It is a middle-aged man with no crickets in my head goes to the sea holiday with his family, playing on the beach with her two children 10 and 7 years. After his day back home, ribacia his wife on the front door, hugs his kids and asked how they spent their day. Later will take a look at their tasks. Cleverly sits on the very same black leather lounge chair in front of the fireplace. It is January and it's cold in the city. Reading the newspaper, the eye falls casually on the page of crime. There is talk of suicide. It seems too far from his thoughts. Dinner is ready. He sits at the table after you have washed your hands. He thanked his wife for dinner. Back to his chair, reading the last pages and the eye falls on the obituary page. With a nod to turn the page. Kiss the children and goes to bed, there on the table waiting for her book started a few weeks. See now, 22:41. Still does not know the meaning of those numbers. Night man!

A woman. A lady in one piece, the mother of two children. One of those women who wakes up in the morning, prepares breakfast for her children and her husband, Rehabilitation Order bedroom of his children by the hand, say goodbye to her husband and goes to school. Has the look of a proud mother. Given the recent recommendations to their children, watching them from inside his car go hand in hand towards the entrance of the school. Go to the market, does the shopping. Back at home, cleans it from top to bottom. Look, like all women her age, the soap operas of the early afternoon commenting on the alleged actions "facts" in the screen suggests the front of his salad and glass of mineral water half full. Later, as always, ready and punctual as a Swiss watch before he goes to school, finds her children and watching them with eyes full of joy and pride, as if not seeing them years, as if he were returning from some kind of business. Talking a bit 'with a little one' with each other. Back home, stretch and in the meantime, watch TV or listen to radio. Does not sing. He wants to maintain a certain linearity in front of children. Think about dinner. He greets her husband, gives him his slippers and locks herself in the place where he spent more time per day, the kitchen. Is pleased with herself when dinner is welcome. Last his affairs before going to sleep, watch TV and a hint of whether he goes to bed after putting her children to bed. Night to you woman!

Two parallel existences. Two lives seemingly without problems. God only knows how much this monotony can damage physical and mental health of these two individuals. No attention. Cold contacts. Mechanical actions. Lack of desire. Everything is well planned and almost meaningless. What kind of life is this? Not a smile, not a caress, it was a tear of joy. Only and always the same consistency in doing everything. It is a small lapse in concentration, a slight change in this empty repetition can trigger reactions senseless and totally irreversible.

Solita morning a few months. She did not sleep all night, he was late to work this morning. She is strange to read too much. He races against time and against the wrath of his boss, as well as against his distinguished record of timely and accurate worker. You strange, pale, and with a blank look (as well as his days) takes the children to school. He is slow to work. Arrive half an hour later, never happened during his entire career, except when the biggest of her children had a severe attack of appendicitis. That day, the gap seems to be something for no reason, and unjustifiable. She sleeps all day until the afternoon, even the mundane daily appointment with the American soap was unable to move. It should be to find the children with the same blank stare and sleepy; not stretch more but not turn on the radio. He does not come home that night. He went in the first little bar around the corner and think and rethink what has become of his life. She does not care about this strange delay, indeed, it seems almost relieved that her husband will retain more than expected outside the home, even late at night she thinks and thinks about what his life and cry, cry so much, sobbing like never before. That's a typical evening, said the balance can become monotonous in the deepest traps without ever getting out. She falls asleep on the couch that night with red eyes and tears. He looks forward. Le 22:41; almost as if there is a chance that tremendous and fills another glass. Drunken sleep in the car that night.

The monotony breaks the pseudo equilibrium. You into a vicious cycle of mechanical factors that are unlikely almost to make you smile. Everything becomes so extremely shallow that it is impossible to get out without at least one broken bone. Breaking that will be impossible to heal.

She wakes up with a tremendous presemtimento but decides not to indulge in that rainy morning a month to one year in a season. It is determined in what he does. He takes his stuff, he takes his children, destroys that reminds her of time spent with the man in that house that seems narrow and that life lived in these illogical. A last look at the photos depicting the happy family, all of a sudden a bang and the picture falls to the ground is falling apart and are reduced to tiny bits sharp just as he had already reduced the life of the woman. Since then only sounds: the keys to turning angrily in a bolt, the engine of a car crazy, the silence left by the void of the house of a life gone.

He wakes up in a suburban motel that day, probably around six o'clock in the afternoon. His life has lost regularly. Beard a few weeks, maybe a month. He shakes, he is afraid to anger them. Perhaps agitation. Cena.Poi usual at the usual time it takes a handful of tobacco, turns the 'last' cigarette. Then you put in front of the opaque mirror of that stupid little hotel in the suburbs. You watch. You wan, pale, you could see the anguish in his eyes. Test disgust and worth watching. Suddenly think the only thing that could save him from further recede in that moment, looks like a flash, a kind of epiphany last drag on his cigarette, throws it on the carpet filthy dell'ostelletto from peanuts. He grabs his coat, car keys and the car in gear. Directed towards that direction with his eyes full of hope. For a moment the light comes back alive in his eyes. Arrived. Turn the key in the lock of the door. He has only to look for a moment that the terrible scenario unfolding before to withdraw from all his hope. It was then that he made his life a huge pleonasm. Was still devoid of imagination and fantasy. All the bloody wounds day of the bloody years of that horrible season at 22:41, caused the death. And her life now as its existence was shattered like the picture of a happy family and monotonous city a few hours earlier had marked its end. Two days later on the same page of that newspaper that read months ago sitting in his comfortable armchair in black leather is about him.

Where To Buy Vesta Beef Rissotto

Keinmal Einmal ist. Unfinished Sympathy

In those hot days of July was consumed yet another crime of the soul. His return was at first moment of absolute joy. That message, that evening, made her cheeks and red eyes. The hole in the heart that had healed in a very very short, which for brevity we consider even immeasurable. We know that for him to return to equilibrium means falling back towards the abyss. It is found, then, to write in his "Notebooks of complaints" of joy mixed with pain; of illusions and false hopes. It's the typical prologue, now appellant, of its end. If you could count the times when his heart has yielded to the wrong signals, perhaps by using sand, so many that they would be able to fill an hour-glass with which one could measure the time of relapse. In those days came back pale. Always felt very close to the pit of my stomach and a boulder on his chest. Now her tears are neither bitter nor sweets are terse, heavy and deadly. Was not hungry, if not its news and a bit of love that would never be received. It was there, with his eyes staring into space. Aware of the situation and impassive in front of it. Now expected. He waited for his body to rid himself of his soul again and then request it back as soon as the dim light of a vain hope of returning to light what he had left. It would not be possible to conclude a pact with the devil give him his soul in exchange for his heart, deprived of what is most pure and precious possessions. After all what could he do to a soul so poor, reduced pain, with coarse stitching to heal the gashes caused by past suffering. This was the price you pay for what they did not want to hear. Love does not die, he recited a song. Of course you do not actually die, you die with the body. The souls instead. They are the ones I met in the most remote and hidden world of interwoven strands of the fate of individuals destined to love each other for a good time to trapped forever in the realm of despair. And so, for injuries caused by the bloody fall over and kick the teeth, the souls are dying of love. And die alone. Then rise, and some stronger than ever forged. But this is not his case. Too many are falling. Is extremely mutilated his soul to raise strong and combative. His soul rises, but rises alone and fragile. And he is there, ready to go to deceive and deliver the last glorious shot. That shot that, in those hot days of July and for the time to follow, inevitably insaguina his lifeless essence. That kiss ..

Keinmal Einmal ist.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Jeep Cherokee Radio Problems

I know That I've imagined love before And how
It Could Be With You
Really hurt me baby, really cut me baby How can
Have a day without a night You're the book that i
Have Opened
And now I've got to know much more

The curiousness
of your potential kiss Has got my mind and body aching Really hurt me baby
really cut me baby How can you have a day without a night
You're the book I Have Opened That
And now I've got to know much more Like a soul without

in mind In a body without a heart I'm missing
Every part.

(Unfinished Sympathy, Massive Attack, Collected-2006)

'm starting this page with a song from my favorite band, which was an inspiration. The title is not totally random. It is said that every song should represent the mood of a person, well, what best describes my feelings "status at the time but a compassion incomplete?!? This is your compassion, compassion for myself and my strange world of illusions, distorted and twisted, and yet sentimental pathos gradually lead me to more and more estranged, and I make it a hybrid being, it looks almost human, but no vital organs, and what should dstinguere a man from a beast: a soul for no reason, a body without a heart . Why incomplete because it is a pity mixed with hatred, hatred of this microcosm pernicious. I pity you and I realize how useless it is to do nothing to change, and then I hate myself because I am aware, but you know "Stultitia east fecunda mater, and even though my mother is not named Folly, well to put a world that will never learn to react because its becoming too absorbed from food cycle of compassion and self-hatred, which in then reality would amount to an excessive idea of \u200b\u200bperson. Thus the circular motion becomes a harmonic motion, which then has very little harmonic, but I can swing like a pendulum between victimization and self-absorption, until it reaches a point, a climax, in which the two terms are actually synonymous. It is then that I can not blame, and justify this "unfinished sympathy" pure hedonism.