Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pink Mucus On Day Of Period

SOS: Subject lost.

astonished gaze. Filled with distance. Resonates in the ears only the sound of lost hopes. The nose feels just the smell of another dismal failure. The language sadly tasted the bitter taste of the error. The skin burns due to a new defeat. The footsteps are heavy, endless journeys. And pressed a strong sense of anguish. Press me and rips the breasts. The air is so thin (or seems so), to prevent breathing.
miss you, miss I, lacking oxygen. Words fail. Laconic farewell message to the nasty heart.
Same city. Same sky over our heads. Own the roads ahead. Our roads are intertwined, our lives, no!
strong And the fear is again not to forget, as strong as the fear of being forgotten. Please, somebody save me! We're flesh and feelings.
I'm choking, you let me die like this.


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