Thursday, January 29, 2009

Boinicle Kardas For Sale At A Store


"We were intellectuals and practiced books

face of this sentence I stopped.
Rossanda Ross, in his autobiography that greedily I immediately bought just out of a year ago, describes his family in the evening after dinner.
sitting on sofas and daughters to read books on rugs spread on the evening the whole family together intellectually.
Maybe because in my house when I was young there were sofas and the only carpet that I remember was the black cape that my grandfather lay in the hallway for us to play our little ones.
Perhaps because my mother was the belief of plywood and the humidity is low-cut sheets showing he was made.
The water in the house we had not, he took the pit with buckets and bathed in the tub, but sometimes in the summer that we were going to do
bathroom Po (Po of the flywheel), then My father was also the laundry soap and rub it very well.
Perhaps because the only books I remember in my house when I was a kid were "The seven brothers Deer," "Letters from Prison" Gramsci's a hagiography of Stalin and dear to my father.
Maybe because I never dreamed of being a journalist for 14 years and I already had the work book and worked in a machine shop (from my first job I got fired once because I was trying to convince my friends not to do an hour of unpaid overtime at the end of time).
Maybe because I went to school at night and Plutarch I read that I was already great. So
"Girl of the last century is still there, with its beautiful bookmark in half, waiting for the Ross I've heard far, I came up a bit '.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Green Gum After Tooth Extraction


... that all the sums and complete.

I understood that the image of my wife rests with the other women in my life.
The gesture to bring my coffee on the couch
yellow (the yellow sofa is always the same, no women)
I experienced so many times.
Thus, the picture is mixed, as in a journey through time.
I will sometimes say thank you in German, like H..
If we happen to visit a new town, I hear his comments and I wonder what Anna would say that we visited five years intermittently and still sends me occasional amorous messages. Or
H. I lived there fifteen years and have raised their children together. Or
M, but only four was the first wife and I had a son there but I've grown ..

O Silvia has fitted my first house after the separation. Or the many interludes of
Women who have had and with whom I shared a piece of life, from which I left (no one has ever left me), have changed their living years.
So all you could be after a long journey of the mind and body.
My woman does not feel like the woman in her individuality, she is the woman cosmic fusion, summary and essence of all women, those I know and those I have known.
After all, I would not want so many women.
My family was very stable, I never thought that my mother and father split up and could in fact have never been separated.
I thought I would have had a life like this.
A single woman and children.
Sure, from time to time some transgression (I but she is not), but never put into question the relationship strong.

There 's been otherwise, too bad.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Fotos De Tatuagens Nas Genitalias Gratis

He had a short name.
She was sixteen, fourteen had a son who was given up for adoption and had been the terror of being pregnant again.

Therefore, his butterfly was off limits, we came in there anymore.

We were at my house, Patrick and Silvano already on my bed in the living room and we do know.

I could not break the ice. Yet she was only just coming to have sex. Finally we decided to start, she went to the bathroom to wash back and told me "never mind that it is wet, it's just water," then told me that the only available channel was anal.

twenties do not know what just came back from military sexual experiences and modest, would have been able to remain calm.

I've lost it completely.

I was a little rough on her, trying to provoke his excitement and in a few moments I came.


I met her again a couple of years later when my skills had improved significantly.

We chatted for a long time, we also got into the attic, we played a lot, but without undressing, we were both excited, I know because I had a hand between her thighs and it was all wet.

He would not fuck with me, I think it was because I consider myself very good.

It was not true, I had an intense sexual life with more girls at once, but I was not good enough to force the minimum that would be enough, I had not understood what are no women especially - I do not ever forgive him - I had that kind of romantic respect for women who bade me to treat them as equals and not by women. (as we must treat women?)

legs plump and firm, erect tits and hard as marble, standing ass, Lycian and soft, little face of a young girl, a little slut and a little romantic.

I could lie down between her legs and slide my cock in her pussy, which was definitely wet, and I'll never know what it really was.

I could make her kneel crawl, take it to the side and sink my cock inside her-now I know she would love to feel full - and finally break into that little hole that was two years before his only means to be filled.

forgot your mouth.

He handed and red lips without lipstick on your child.
I could make it to kneel between my legs open, leave it to bend my dick into her mouth and let him go up and down between her cheeks, hold her head in her hands and take her gently, sometimes pushing into his throat, as I do now.

But I did not, I have great regret.

I think about it often and not remember his name.

He had a short name.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

High School Guys Showers


A cock

Frankly I never thought that my cock could be good or bad.
The first time that i heard was a woman of 39 years, which unfortunately (that is the way of life), had measured and assessed only by mouth.
He did not dare tell me "you have a nice cock," he said, "it's nice to him."
In subsequent years, but I often happened to hear me say, I thought that maybe the young girls do not dare some appreciation.
but I understand that women have a special emphasis on aesthetics and gear characteristics of males and often, in itself, gives rise to specific emotions.
I told my wife that the first time he touched the cock of her first boyfriend, although covered by the fabric of the pants, the day after he had a fever at 39.
Even today, seeing me naked, put the case, in the shower, does not fail to cast a glance at my appendix perhaps sadly hanging.
And in bed, before sleeping, often not without a hand slip into my pajamas and muttering "how strange you are done, stroking what I hear it called" the package "(it must be said that these tokens often produce their effect and that perhaps the movement is calculated).
Once a girl asked me "but you take him to the right or left?" Today would say "take him straight to you, then they are only turned red, but still I happen to see fleeting glances toward my flap, also encountered by women for reasons far removed from personal relationships.
I also did not fail to look at their ass, so there is nothing to be surprised.
never end findings on the sex, despite my maturity, I find myself.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Calgary Waxing School

blogs banned and closed profiles.

I too come from the platform of Free.
I read a lot of controversy over the closure of the blog.
I am also a banned and I really wanted my blog zozzone and love.
I closed aperitif and other blogs, but no longer find the passion of that first, even if I never considered to be a blogger.
I was only one that had a lot of emotions to externalize and
not being used to it at the bar, I did it on free.
Certainly the stories and the images were not the stuff of boarders.
And even by minors.
but never vulgar.
Then I got used to it, you'll occasionally to write a virtual page.
So I write, sometimes lazy.
But I would say a few words about the controversies that have led many deserters in this and other free platforms.
Free, but even this is a company with profit and the profit is given by the public that the number of users makes it attractive for inserizionisti.
There is no reason why we should build and operate a portal.
By all appearances, has decided to cut free blogs that do not align with the criteria of its policy.
not matter if they are artistic, deep, or carriers of high literature, on the other hand, is the television audience that is rubbish and do not see why a portal that also runs a blogging platform, it should behave differently.
Only I'd like to know where it is Poly went, I always read with pleasure.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What Skates Does Ovechkin Use?

arrived today, first post.

opening the first post on a new platform,
I do not know
it and not know anybody, I have to ask:
But I, the early, who are they?
are very different pictures I have of me
in very different stages of life.
do not know anyone here, do not even know me.
What the hell we will write in here I have no idea.
I could start from the beginning:

The killing of the pig
(I'm not the pig. Yes, I am a little pig, but I have not been killed)

When I was little, every year in November, killed the pig.
My father bought the smallest and most dilapidated prchè cost less and are fatter then lovingly throughout the year.
pigs were happy at home, had a sty on the bottom to the garden, muddy enough for the beast.
In the days of my birthday it is killed.
were always gray and dark days, those dell'ammazzamento.
Low clouds and drizzle. O
was the time before the snow that then fell every year. Sometimes the poor
escaped and was not to be hit by knife in my heart and ran across the yard being chased by men.
The pigs are not animals fast.
Then came the turn of shaving, was placed in a wooden tub truncated cone, the water on the fire next to have it hot and shaved sharp spatula.
the evening stood out in the huge hall, hung upside down to drain the blood.
White in the rind and black inside, torn from top to bottom, disturbing for me baby. It was the morning
impression that he was alive.
But the next day he did the sausages, hams and The Zion, the kitchen was hot and the fire was burning strong.
My uncle, my father and amateur butchers quartered, sliced \u200b\u200band chopped, helped by women.
the evening were friends and relatives and my father, who had a great tenor voice, sang the arias.
not remember who play the accordion, but my uncle played the mandolin.
and ate, all that you could not keep, we ate.
What a party!
thinking now, maybe it was my mother happy in those nights, he was just over twenty years and all had less than thirty years.
Then came a new skinny pig, my mother still tells of what seemed to fail to survive instead became a giant no longer know what an enormous weight.
meat throughout the year.
If I believed in God say that God knows what we needed, in Ferrara, in those years of cold fog and unemployment.