Thursday, January 22, 2009

High School Guys Showers


A cock

Frankly I never thought that my cock could be good or bad.
The first time that i heard was a woman of 39 years, which unfortunately (that is the way of life), had measured and assessed only by mouth.
He did not dare tell me "you have a nice cock," he said, "it's nice to him."
In subsequent years, but I often happened to hear me say, I thought that maybe the young girls do not dare some appreciation.
but I understand that women have a special emphasis on aesthetics and gear characteristics of males and often, in itself, gives rise to specific emotions.
I told my wife that the first time he touched the cock of her first boyfriend, although covered by the fabric of the pants, the day after he had a fever at 39.
Even today, seeing me naked, put the case, in the shower, does not fail to cast a glance at my appendix perhaps sadly hanging.
And in bed, before sleeping, often not without a hand slip into my pajamas and muttering "how strange you are done, stroking what I hear it called" the package "(it must be said that these tokens often produce their effect and that perhaps the movement is calculated).
Once a girl asked me "but you take him to the right or left?" Today would say "take him straight to you, then they are only turned red, but still I happen to see fleeting glances toward my flap, also encountered by women for reasons far removed from personal relationships.
I also did not fail to look at their ass, so there is nothing to be surprised.
never end findings on the sex, despite my maturity, I find myself.


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