Thursday, January 29, 2009

Boinicle Kardas For Sale At A Store


"We were intellectuals and practiced books

face of this sentence I stopped.
Rossanda Ross, in his autobiography that greedily I immediately bought just out of a year ago, describes his family in the evening after dinner.
sitting on sofas and daughters to read books on rugs spread on the evening the whole family together intellectually.
Maybe because in my house when I was young there were sofas and the only carpet that I remember was the black cape that my grandfather lay in the hallway for us to play our little ones.
Perhaps because my mother was the belief of plywood and the humidity is low-cut sheets showing he was made.
The water in the house we had not, he took the pit with buckets and bathed in the tub, but sometimes in the summer that we were going to do
bathroom Po (Po of the flywheel), then My father was also the laundry soap and rub it very well.
Perhaps because the only books I remember in my house when I was a kid were "The seven brothers Deer," "Letters from Prison" Gramsci's a hagiography of Stalin and dear to my father.
Maybe because I never dreamed of being a journalist for 14 years and I already had the work book and worked in a machine shop (from my first job I got fired once because I was trying to convince my friends not to do an hour of unpaid overtime at the end of time).
Maybe because I went to school at night and Plutarch I read that I was already great. So
"Girl of the last century is still there, with its beautiful bookmark in half, waiting for the Ross I've heard far, I came up a bit '.


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