Monday, October 25, 2010

Best Place Stay In Punta Cana If Single

rains. And I want a sense of irresponsibility.

is all a nightmare. It's just a run-down image projected in the darkness of my thoughts.
Soon I wake up, I know I'll wake up!
pass the seconds, minutes, hours, days.
It can not last forever!
Meanwhile, it is dark outside. It is night.
When will the dawn? When the sun will arise again?. In
anxiously awaiting anxiety consumed me.
raining! Every drop that reaches the ground like a hammer beating on my head.
And the pain is strong enough to make me unconscious for a moment.
And I? I continue to hope that quest'incoscienza to be maintained. Duri
forever! But when I realize the impossibility of this happening is already too late.
I'm already thinking. I keep thinking. I still hurt me.
My thinking is wrong.
There is no cure!
Unconsciousness is a sweet goal to be achieved. Sublime but remote.
an isolated island in a sea of \u200b\u200bthoughts.
horrible thought that no matter how horrible they may be, are the only company in this vast solitude.


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