Sunday, October 10, 2010

Cystic Fibrosis In Toddler

Against Saturn. - Cursed Saturn.

Saturn Damn! You
rolling all my life. Joys, pain, hate, love, indifference, grief ... I could see that those who had opposed the birth of the sun experienced ordeals, almost impossible to overcome. They are silent obstacles and insurmountable barriers. I now know your impact on the age! Manifest or imperceptible? Certainly barbaric, criminal, maybe even a little 'bloody. And if
hands and suddenly decide not to scan most of the time? If the weather suddenly stopped? If we try for a moment, one and only one, the thrill of immobility? It will calm in the future Free your hostility? Kronos only if they ignore you, is the slightest chance of not succumbing Essert.
abhorrent crimes rages on minor uncertainties Mounds vilest macabre souls, then run your still bloody battles. Tomorrow will be
was all a nightmare or really the next victim of your merciless game?


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