Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Stripping Sealer Off Slate

Me Quema a dia.

I burn. I burn in the fires of hell. I think this will be my destination. Slowly and anguish. It is not a punishment. It was far from my thinking about this! But special treatment for pretentious people like me. Pretentious, and why? Aficcion could say eager and consideration; willing love. [Seems]. Between pretension and desire no difference. It may be that the wrong way of saying? The reality is that I'm wrong by a margin of error is so high because it is not considered circustancial. They say that mistakes are Cresco, is learned. In fact I just say, no words we write. We all know that "verba volant scripta manent et.
So today I say I'll burn the fire of hell. Burn me in my solitude. I burn when I recorrendo tortuous path that will end. The day will come just tired and angry fire burning to live without killing me, still leaving me to suffer.


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