Thursday, October 28, 2010

High Wasted Jeans Suitable For Everyone?

- Touché.

believe that everything happens by chance, without a reason. You! Not everyone can have a rational explanation. We also need to dogmas, certainly if the doctrine does not concern you directly. Do you know what a dogma is not it? You know, those mysteries without explanation, to which even science knows an answer. They are almost taboo subjects, subjects without arguments possible. You have to take them for what they are.
Even everyday events. Here! Now imagine everything is a dogma. You need to take it for what it is. You can not ask why it happened. Take it for what it is.
I think it's like suddenly everything lighter. Your mind is tabula rasa, no more guesswork and complicated, no troubled thoughts and sleepless nights wondering why, why and why not find a plausible explanation, and maybe worth a false answer to your "something".
You should really start doing it. But you know how much you will save Rogne, we save? I'm telling you from the heart. We know both how bad you know. You know very well that strong double-edged sword is the word. You know just as well the negative thoughts that are harmful, poisonous. These then can attack even the smallest of your cells, they can manipulate it, play it. And suddenly everything can metastasize. Become a cancer, a nice big scab.
and unjustified by the phrase: "Yes, but the man is a thinking being, and that is what sets him apart from the beasts." The beast, however, is clever, it is smart. See where this is closer to the fire: the look, it examines, studies. But it is not cracked. And you? You who believe a thinking being? You're the one that is always burned.

- Touché.


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